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Carl and Ellie’s Story (writing inspired by Up)

March 27, 2013


One day Carl was walking down the street pretending to be Charles Muntz as usual. Then he heard a voice in an abandoned house. On the door was ‘Spirit of Adventure’ so he crawled into the house.

The house was ramshackle and the windows were all boarded up with wood and the stairs were all snapped in half. He crept warily into the living room and there she was.

She had bushy hair and a rusty old badge that had been laying there for years then she said, “You and me are in the club.” She said “I know where your balloon  went so she said, “Come with me.” He said OK in his head.

Then he broke his arm from falling off the mouldy wood and she came his bedroom and gave him the balloon back. Then he got scared. Suddenly she popped up and he got scared even more. Then he banged his eye.

by MB


Once there was a boy named Carl. He was as adventurous as a lioness and as shy as a meerkat. His hero was Charles Muntz the all time adventurer extraordinaire. Carl was imagining he was a pilot of a blimp and he was the magnificent Charles Muntz.  He noticed suspicious behaviour from a derelict house. He heard a loud voice. He said, “Curiosity killed the rat,” but he still decided to go in.

Carl went into the abandoned, ramshackle home and all the windows were boarded up like an abandoned building. He went inside the derelict building because he was curious to see what he would find.

Ellie gave him a rusty old club badge, made out of metal that had been left in the club house for years. Ellie gave him the badge because she had not had a friend in two years and had never spoken to the opposite gender before. He reminded her of Charles Muntz.

by FO

Carl was walking down the street and he heard an unusual sound. It came from a house that looked like it had been attacked by a lion. But with determination Carl went inside.

There was a poster of his hero Charles Muntz and some pictures of him as well and he saw a strange girl. He turned around as quick as the Titanic but as soon as he turned back she was there. “What are you doing?” she screamed. “Do you know this what this place is? This is the Spirit of Adventure, an exclusive club. Any old kid with a pair of goggles and hat off the street…!”

And his balloon went up.

by CD

One day Carl was running in the street. He was playing in the road and he saw an old house. He saw a girl in the old house and she chatted at him and told him, “My name is Ellie.”

by BM

As Carl walked along the street he pretended to be Charles Muntz as he saw a rotten old house. He decided to go inside because he was curious to see what was inside. He was shocked when he saw the rusty old badges hanging from the dusty old windows.

Carl stood there as Ellie said, “What are you doing in here?” She gave him a badge. He was as happy as a hunter watching a fox dying on the floor. And his balloon went up in Ellie’s room.

by BL (with Gill)

One day Carl invented a game of him being Charles Muntz. He had a balloon with him. As Carl crept into an old rusty house he looked all around him.

Ellie was pretending to be Charles Muntz. She came toward Carl and she screamed in front of his face. And then she took off her hat and then gave him the badge.

by JA

Carl pretended his balloon was a blimp. He was Charles Muntz on the Spirit of Adventure. When Carl was playing he saw a house that looked like King Kong had destroyed it. Carl was a foolish person and very scared. Carl thought Charles Muntz was an incredible, amazing and professional adventurer. Ellie was insane. Ellie showed Carl the adventure book. She told him she ripped the pages out of a library book. She told him that she wants to go to Paradise Falls.

They got married also they moved in to her club house to live in. She wanted to have lots of babies. Ellie was sad and upset because she can never have a baby.

by AQR

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  1. Vanessa Slater permalink

    well done year six! What great stories.
    I really like your vocabulary choices!
    I am impressed that you are using speech marks correctly!
    keep up the good work,
    Miss Slater

  2. Sinead McManus permalink

    Wow what great stories, I am very impressed, such varied and interesting sentences. I haven’t seen this movie but now I really want to, so well done all of you!!:))
    Miss McManus

  3. Mrs Valcheva permalink

    So impressed to see the use of similes, the direct speech (acurately punctuated, wow), the different openers and the unexpected challenging vocabulary in your stores. Well done year six. Great job! Keep it up!
    Mrs Valcheva 😉

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