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The Cat Sat on the Mat

November 5, 2012

Creative grammar work

The snarfling cat deviously stared at the mat.
The cat sat on the mat and stared at the outstanding hat.
The deadly cat ripped up the mat like it was his prey.
The cat sat on the genie’s mat saying, “Oh look at that!”
The lawyer’s cat sat on the jury’s lap saying “Objection!”
by FO

The cat sat on the toilet.
The cat sat on the rainbow.
The cat had a clock in his brain.
The cat sat on the little girl.
by BL

The worried cat sat on the mat.
As quickly as he could he sat on the mat.
The cat fainted on the mat.
The window cat purred at the mat.
by MB

The slender cat sat on the mat.
The colossal cat snored on the mat.
The Egyptian cat slowly sat on the mat.
The gigantic cat purred on the mat.
by AQR

The cat set fire to the mat because he is angry.
The chubby cat ate the mat because he was hungry.
The brokenhearted cat sat on the mat.
The chubby cat accidentally sat on the Polish mouse.
by JA

The tiny ant sat on the mat.
The fat elephant sat on the mat.
The cat went to the moon.
by BM

The glorious cat purred on the mat.
The cat stared at the rat like it was its prey.
The gloomy cat ate a dark cold rat.
The Bajan cat purred at the slender cat.
by KD

The cat perished on the mat.
The prehistoric cat died on the mat.
The cat married the rat.
by CD

From → Humour

  1. Alan Bugg permalink

    What lovely poetry – keep it up boys and girls!
    Best wishes from Mr. Bugg

  2. Cool dudes and dudets keep it up!

  3. Good work people

  4. Vanessa Slater permalink

    Well done guys…this is excellent work!
    I love your ambitious word Caleb (prehistoric!)
    Brenda-I would like to be your cat on the rainbow!

    Well done to all of you…keep it up!

  5. Good cat in the mat sentence!

  6. Good verbs and words

  7. Well done!

  8. Amazing!

  9. Good writting!

  10. Maddy Webb permalink

    How wonderful to see how hard Mr Wain’s group are working on their writing. It is also good to see friends and staff making positive comments.
    Well done to all, but as Mr Bugg says you must all keep up the good work! Very important to keep developing the skills you are using so well.

    Ms Webb x

  11. Sinead McManus permalink

    Love these cat poems so imaginative!! Might do them with my class well done year 6!!
    Miss McManus

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