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The Mysterious Castle

October 15, 2012


As I walked through the mysterious castle the mist felt like it was going through me and out. It pulled me in. When I saw the heart burning castle my head exploded. Although I was so amazed I wanted to explode and I fainted on a skeleton. The heart burning castle had lightning on the roof. Gigantic gravestones. I hear foot steps around me. The skeletons were as cold as the gravestones in the freezing cold graveyard. As I had flash backs from the past I remembered the children following me all the time like I was a leader! ALL THE TIME!
by KD

Once upon a time there was an old castle. The castle was dark like a forest. Inside the castle were golden swords and armour. The old castle was full of treasure and gold crowns. I saw an old man living there. He had been two years in the castle. The castle was haunted by the ghost of a kind king. He told all the secrets he had. A dragon breathed fire on the old man. The man was scared of the dragon and said “Stop” to the dragon. They all lived happily ever after.
by BM

Once there was a mind blowing castle where the beast appears at night. IT lives in the haunted castle that no-one spoke about. People who live there say Dracula lives there and some say a man lives there.
When I went in the man that people talked about had a gun. I felt like dying. He looked me in the eye and said, “Down to the dungeon for you!”. He locked me up hoping for a ransom. But I was one step ahead, I called 999. I told them how he abducted me. They came. They told me he is a known terrorist bank robber. My parents came and picked me up.
by FO

Once upon a time there was an enchanted valley. At 6 o’clock exactly a castle appeared in the middle of the valley. It was like a myth. There was a medieval dragon. The dragon kidnapped me and I escaped and I lived happily ever after.

Once upon a time there was an enchanted castle. The castle was very creepy and seemingly infinite. Jude, George and Axl were going to the enchanted castle. The boys became frightened. The problem was they were frozen in terrified of the castle being haunted. They wore platinum armour and swords. One boy was a killer. George was not worthy for the sword. Jude was worthy. He got the armour. They lived happily ever after.
by AQR

When I was walking to the shop someone grabbed me and he put me in a sleeper hold. Soon I was in a castle. There was an old man. He was looking at me through the stick window saying something. It was so scary I couldn’t hear myself think. The old man was so wrinkly as if he was the oldest man in the world. Then the old man fell down the stairs. I got out of the bars and fainted. I woke up and called 999 they came as quick as possible . I lived happily ever after.
by MB

I saw an old man with cobwebs all over his body and what looked like spiders on his body. He hobbled slowly like a turtle As he whispered to me his voice squeaked like a old crone. ‘‘Go away!’’ he whispered. The old man smelled like a hamster.
by KD

Once upon a time I saw a castle flashing with lightning   As I crept inside the castle I saw a brokenhearted old man.  Afterwards he came up to me so I froze.  When I came back to myself I thought I was dead. When I got locked up I almost cried.  I got home safe because I ran as fast as I could.
by JA

When I went to the castle it was like I exploded. Mu life was good when I entered there. It was like the Tower of London. When I saw people in there I fainted on the floor. It was like I was dead on the floor.
by BL

From → Mystery

  1. Alan Bugg permalink

    Your writing is so imaginative and powerful – I just want to go to that castle!
    Best wishes from Mr. Bugg

  2. Use the word like infinite, awesome and amazing!

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